SET YOUR SIGHTS ON DEFENSE & SECURITY 2017- Unmatched Business Opportunities in the ASEAN Procurement Market!
According to the Mckinsey & Company report, Southeast Asia is the next growth opportunity for defence and security manufacturers. The dynamic growth of economies in the region presents companies with multiple opportunities. And following a sustained period of positive growth, many Southeast Asian countries are now looking for better protection of their assets especially shipping lanes, ports and maritime boundaries that are supply-chain critical.
Many countries and businesses also seek to defend their territorial integrity as it relates to the fast-changing security situation. While defence spending for the region is growing, the scale and pace varies significantly from country to country. Modernisation and upgrading of aging forces is also driving spending. As a result the demand for defence hardware & software presents excellent business opportunities for companies and has not been seen for many years. Take advantage of it!
This is confirmation of the importance of DEFENSE & SECURITY 2017. In fact exhibit space is now almost full. All major manufacturers in defence and security have already confirmed to exhibit and the 2017 show is expected to host over 400 world-leading military and internal security manufacturers from 50 countries. PLUS! The 2017 event will feature 25 large National Pavilions from China, Germany, India, Italy, UK, USA, and many other countries.
The biennial show presents unmatched business opportunities in the ASEAN procurement market - especially Thai Military. The annual Thai defence budget for 2017-2018, has been set to increase by 4.16%. This is an increase of 8.8 billion Baht from last year’s budget which begins in October. As reported in national newspapers, the Prime Minister and Deputy Defence Minister, noted that the defence fund increase will be required to enable Thailand’s military to increase competiveness and efficiency for all the Royal Armed Forces. The budget will be also used for the purchase of new weaponry and upgrading existing equipment.
With full support from the Thai Ministry of Defence and the Royal Thai Armed Forces, the 2017 show presents top business opportunities and is an unmatched place to present new products and technology to decision-makers. Exhibiting in DEFENSE & SECURITY 2017 also presents opportunities to do business with delegations that include Ministers of Defence, Chiefs of Armed Forces for Army, Navy, Air Force, Police and Security Agencies plus other high-ranking government officials from all over ASEAN.
DEFENSE & SECURITY 2017 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 6-9 November - right at the start of the 2018 budget.
So don’t miss out on the outstanding business opportunities at this major event!